San Diego Trance Camp 2025
Generative Trance and the Hero's Journey:
Reuniting the Human Mind with the
Heart and Soul of Consciousnes
Registration is now open for the 2025 San Diego "Trance Camp" intensive! A tradition for over 30 years, this is the most highly acclaimed training of Dr. Gilligan’s. People from many cultures gather in a beautiful community in the sunshine of San Diego for deep transformational learnings, both personally and professionally. The level of commitment, participation, and creativity is exceptionally high, as the community safely supports deep experiential learnings and skill development. This year's theme is generative trance and the hero's journey.
NOTE: This year TC1 (Week1) will be held online only via virtual zoom sessions. Please see webinar dates below.
The 2025 sessions will explore the greatest challenge of our times: how to generate an integral consciousness that can bring hope and healing to a troubled world.
The myth of the hero's journey talks about a shared calling to reunite some core break in our deeper consciousness, and generative trance provides an exceptional map for how to make that journey. The hero's journey also emphasizes how each of us must feel and follow the calling to a unique path as the core basis for happiness, health, and being helpful to others. Realizing this individual and collective transformation is the central focus for this year's camp.
TC1 and TC2 are the course work needed for Basic Certification in Generative Trance. Or feel free just to explore one or both of these opening weeks to learn a general frame of generative trance, along with some specific methods, how to transform negative habits and addictions, pain control, positive intimacy, healing childhood wounds, and self-love. TC3 offeres Advanced Certification in Generative Trance for the frist time. Learn more about each week below:
Generative Trance sees life as a great journey of consciousness. Many people say this is one of the deepest life experiences they’ve ever had. We welcome you to such a process.
Trance Camp - Week 1: Virtual On-Line Sessions Only
Generative Trance:
A method for sustainable transformation
April 25-27, 2025
May 16-18, 2025
(Virtual Zoom Sessions)
Tuition (Week 1 only): $1595
Generative Trance is not the traditional trance where the conscious mind is “put to sleep” and the unconscious is programmed with external suggestions. It is an open aesthetic conversation between the two human worlds:—the “dreamer” or “visionary” world of the creative unconscious, and the “realist” and “practical” world of the conscious mind. Each requires and completes the other, and Generative Trance helps you to forge the integrated consciousness that “includes yet transcends” both minds.
We will see how the human conscious mind is a virtual mind that can operate free from any binding to time or space or single position. When it is dissociated from the deeper creative consciousness of the world (as is increasingly the case), dark and destructive experience follows. But when we can reunite the two worlds, astonishing transformations and new realities are possible. Generative trance is an exploration of this integral conversation
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Information on Continuing Education Credit for U.S. Licensed Health Professionals
CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain their certificate of attendance for 4 years after the course concludes.
For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Jessie Shaw at For questions about CEs, contact Spiritual Competency Academy at
Trance Camp - Week 2
Generative Trance & The Hero's Journey
Pre-requisite: Prior participation on TC1 or equivalent
July 8-13, 2025
(In-Person at Rancho Bernardo Inn)
Tuition (Week 2 only): $1750
Bundled Savings...
Weeks 1 & 2: $2950
Room & Board Separate - Click HERE to make Hotel Reservation
In this second week, we focus on how generative trance (GT) can support life as a great hero’s journey (HJ), filled with happiness, positive contribution, and deep connection. The HJ calls us to live in alignment with a deeper inner consciousness, discovering our own unique gifts. This journey not only provides immense personal fulfillment, but it also helps heal some deep split or disconnection within one's self and, from there, the larger community. In present times, this generally means integrating the dissociated worlds of the virtual mind (left brain/analytical mind) and the deeper "organic spirit" of creative unconscious (right brain/soul/heart). In the HJ, each person must find their own unique calling and path to do this.
Generative Trance is an extraordinary tradition for supporting this. It allows "emptying out" and "letting go" of the isolating, mechanical ego mind, and an immersion into the creative ocean of deeper consciousness. From this deeper "trance," it becomes possible to discern and follow your unique path, listening and living what T.S. Elliot called the "music heard so deeply that it is not heard at all". This "music" is equally universal and particular: You feel the anima mundi of universal consciousness, along with your own unique way of living it and expressing it.
Trance Camp - Week 3
Teaching and Coaching Generative Trance: The Advanced Certification Course
Pre-requisite: Prior participation in TC1 and TC2 or equivalent
July 15-19, 2025
(In-Person at Rancho Bernardo Inn)
Tuition (Week 3 only): $1800
Bundled Savings...
Weeks 2 & 3: $3250
Weeks 1, 2, & 3: $4495
Room & Board Separate - Click HERE to make Hotel Reservation
This is the course that many people have requested: How to practice, coach, and teach Generative Trance at an advanced level. I want you to be able to walk into a room, sense the gems of wisdom that Generative Trance has to offer, and then confidently discover how to transmit that wisdom in powerful ways that change people’s lives. I want to you to know the infinite world of creative mind circulating in the different structures of Spirit, Nature, Virtual Mind, and Integral consciousness…and then know how to think about it, describe it, share, and activate it in transformational conversations. This allows every dimension of life—the successes and failures, the joys and pains, the problems and the resources—to be regarded in a positive and creative ways.
To do all this you need (1) a coherent multi-level theoretic and practical understanding of why/when/how trance is a transformational method; (2) a connection to nonverbal intelligence, first in one’s self, then in the your students/clients; (3) a passion for continuous development, practice, and new learning; (4) a deep friendship with the the creative unconscious and its multitude of nonverbal, nonrational, sometimes emotional, nonlinear experiential patterning; (5) a willingness to welcome non-knowing and uncertainty.
You will learn many different ways to do all this, and more. The common seeds in each are the relational mind (within and between individuals) and the utilization principle, a willingness to welcome all that is there. Embodying this with compassion is the “secret sauce” that allows you to weave every moment of the sessions into memorable experiential learnings. There will be numerous experiential exercises for platform skills, in the complementary skills of clear frameworks, deep group experiences, powerful demonstrations, helpful exercises, and integrating discussions.