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Chapters & Articles

Bower, G. H., & Gilligan, S.G. (1979). "Remembering Information About One's Self." Journal of Research in Personality, 13, 420-432.

Bower, G. H., Gilligan, S.G., & Monteiro, K. P. (1981). "Selective Learning  
Caused by Affective States." 
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1981, 110, 451-473.

Bower, G. H., Monteiro, K. P., & Gilligan, S.G. (1978).  "Emotional Mood as a Context for
Learning and Recall." 
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 17, 573-585.

Gilligan, S.G. (1982). "The Ericksonian Approach to Clinical Hypnosis." In J. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian
Approaches to
Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1983). "The Use of Confusion in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy." New York Society of Ericksonian

     Psychotherapy and Hypnosis Newsletter, 1, 2-5.

Gilligan, S.G. (1983).  "Effects of Emotional Intensity on Learning." Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University

      Psychology Dept., Dissertation Abstracts International, pub. # 83-07, 157.

Gilligan, S.G. (1985). "Generative Autonomy: Principles for an Ericksonian Psychotherapy." In J. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian Psychotherapy

     Volume 1: Structures. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1988). "Symptom Phenomena as Trance Phenomena."In J. Zeig & S. Lankton (Eds.), Ericksonian Psychotherapy:

     State of the Art. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1988). "Psychosomatic healing in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy."Hypnose und Kognition, 5, 26-33.

Gilligan, S.G. (1989). "The Therapist as Variety Generator: Ericksonian Interventions with Depressed and Anxious Clients."

     In M. Yapko (Ed.), Brief Therapy Approaches to Treating Anxiety and Depression. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1989). "Accessing Unconscious Processes." In S. Lankton and J. Zeig (Eds.), Ericksonian Monographs

     No.6: Extrapolations and Demonstrations of Ericksonian Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1989). Commentary on E. Rossi's “Facilitating 'Creative Moments' in Hypnotherapy".

     In S. Lankton and J. Zeig (Eds.), Ericksonian Monographs No 6: Extrapolations and Demonstrations of

     Ericksonian Therapy.  New York: Brunner Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1989). Book review of Carol Allen & Herb Lustig's "Tea with Demons". In S. Lankton (Ed.), Erickson Monographs No. 5.

     Ericksonian Hypnosis: Application, Preparation and Research. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1990). Book Review of Erickson & Rossi's "The February Man". Family Therapy Networker, July/August.

Gilligan, S.G. (1990). "Co-Evolution of Primary Process in Brief Therapy". In J. K. Zeig & S. Gilligan, (Eds.),

     Brief Therapy: Myths, Methods, and Metaphors. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1990). "In Defense of Hypnosis". In S. Lankton (Ed.), Ericksonian Monographs No.7:

     The Broader Implications of Ericksonian Therapy, New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1993). "Therapeutic Rituals". In S. Gilligan & R. Price (Eds.), Therapeutic Conversations. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S. G., & Price, R. (1993). "Therapeutic Conversations". New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G. (1994). "The Fight Against Fundamentalism: Searching for Soul in Erickson's Legacy".

     In J. K. Zeig (Ed.), The Fundamentals of Ericksonian Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S.G.  (1996). "The Relational Self: The Expanding of Love Beyond Desire."In M. Hoyt (Ed.), Constructive Therapies,

     Volume 2. New York: Guilford Press.

Gilligan, S. G. (1996). "A River Runs Through It: The Relational Self in Psychotherapy". Hypnosis International Mongraphs, 2, 195-209.

Gilligan, S. G. (1997). "When I Sit with a Client." Journal of Systemic Therapies, 16, 2, 113-124.


Gilligan, S. G. (1997). "Living in a Post-Ericksonian World."  In W. J. Matthews and J. Edgette (Eds.), Current Thinking

     and Research in Brief Therapy: Solutions, Stratgies, and Narratives, Volume 1. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Gilligan, S. G. (1998). "Listening to Our Demons: When New Identities Struggle to Emerge." 

     Family Therapy Networker, September/October.

Gilligan, S. G. (1999). "The Experience of “Negative Otherness": How Shall We Treat our Enemies?" In J. K. Zeig (Ed.),

     Brief Therapy: Lasting Impressions. Phoenix, AZ: Zeig Tucker Publications.

Gilligan, S. G. (1999). "The Principle of Therapeutic Sponsorship." Erickson Newsletter, June.

Gilligan, S. G. (2002).  "EMDR and Hypnosis: The Same or Different?" In F. Shapiro (Ed.),

     EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach: Experts of Diverse Orientations Explore the

     Paradigm Prism. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Gilligan, S. G. (2001). "The Problem is the Solution: The Principle of Sponsorship in Psychotherapy." In B. Geary & J. Zeig (Eds.), 

     The Handbook of Ericksonian Therapy. Phoenix, AZ: MH Erickson Foundation Press.

Gilligan, S. G. (1999). "The Generative Self: A Training Workshop." Unpublished manuscript.  


Gilligan, S. G. (2001). "Getting to the Core: Mastering the Art of Therapeutic Connection."Networker, Jan/February.

Gilligan, S. G. (2001). "Hidden Wellsprings: Finding our Center in the Vortex of Terror." Networker, November/December.

Gilligan, S. G. (2001). Foreword to Merlevede, P.E., Bridoux, & Vandamme, R., "Seven Steps to Emotional Intelligence."

     London: Crown House Publishing.

Gilligan, S. G. (2001). "Marriage as a Beautiful Ordeal." In J. R. Levine & H. J. Markman (Eds.), Why Do Fools

     Fall in Love: Experiencing the Magic, Mystery, and Meaning of Successful Relationships. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Gilligan, S.G.  (2004). "An Invisible Presence is Awakening: Key Ideas in Self Relations." In Gilligan, S.G., & Simon, D. (Eds.) 

     Walking in Two Worlds: The Relational Self in Theory, Practice, and Community. Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Thiesen.

Gilligan, S.G., & Bower, G. H. (1983). "Reminding and Mood-Congruent Memory," Bulletin of the

     Psychonomic Society. Vol. 21, 431-434.

Gilligan, S.G., & Bower, G. H. (1984). "Cognitive Consequences of Emotional Arousal." In C. E. Izard, J. Kagan &

     R. Zajonc (Eds.),  Emotions, Cognitions, and Behavior. New York: Cambridge Press.

Gilligan, S.G., & Kennedy, S. M. (1989). "Solutions and Resolutions: Ericksonian Hypnotherapy with Incest Survivors."

     Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies , Vol. 8, 9-17.

Gilligan, S. G., & Carter, P. (1991). "Age Regression." In H. Klippstein (Ed.), Ericksonian Hypnotherapeutic Group Inductions. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Schwarz, R. & Gilligan, S. G. (1995). "The Devil is in the Details," A book review of M. Yapko's suggestions of abuse.

     Family Therapy Networker.

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