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Supervisions & Intensives

Supervision Workshops

Supervision Workshops provide an amazing opportunity to explore Stephen's work in an intimate setting. They are legendary in their capacity to nurture and awaken your soul into action.


During the event Stephen runs 3-4 sessions of 'core' work in the middle of the group each day, with each working team consisting of a client, two therapists/coaches, and Stephen as the supervisor/participant. In addition, Stephen offers mini-lectures and group trance processes. â€‹

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Participants generally do personal work, though occasionally they invite clients for a consultation session. In each case, one or two coaches, a client, and Stephen join together as a team to support the work of the client. These sessions especially focus on entering the 'living' relational field that allows therapists/coaches and clients to work together in an experiential-somatic-cognitive conversation for change. Everyone has a chance to work...some in the center of the circle, and others more privately in groups of three. Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals, as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program to support clients or patients. 

Stephen Talks About the Supervision Workshops...
   Upcoming Supervision Workshops 
Please see the Workshop Calendar to find upcoming Supervision Groups. Locations include Kyoto, Santa Cruz, Taipei, Paris, Munich, Austin, Leavenworth (WA), and more.

Some of these groups are specifically for Therapists/Coaches and some of the groups are open to all, whether you are a therapist, a coach, use this work in your business or simply interested in exploring this work for your own life with no previous experience is necessary. Please check workshop descriptions. 


Upcoming Generative Change Intensive

The Generative Change Intensive is a highly focused experience for personal transformation. This four-day course is limited to 8 or 9 participants, and is an intimate, soulful, and transformational event. Each person has an opportunity to do a 2-3 hour piece of core work directly with Dr. Gilligan in the middle of the group. In addition, Dr. Gilligan offers mini-talks and group trance and hypnotic experiences.

Please note that due to the size restriction of the Encinitas Intensive , we open registration on March 1st to let people know of any available openings.
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Our Supervision & Intensive Communities

These groups are intensive therapist and coaching communities, with major work done at both professional and personal levels. We explore how and why to resonate with multiple levels of consciousness simultaneously—within one’s self, the client, and the therapy relationship. We explore how the skill base for doing this rests on developing generative levels of Somatic Mind (centered, aligned, flexible), Cognitive Mind (creative acceptance, positive utilization, curiosity, and transformational sponsorship), and Field Mind (opening beyond the problem, attuning resources from many states, going beyond the cognitive mind). This allows a deeper appreciation of how these higher states of consciousness can be used to dissolve the problem-defined self and strengthen a solution-oriented self that can skillfully move through and beyond any stuck places. These groups are legendary for their depth of community and the life-changing transformations that emerge from them.

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