Accommodations & Frequently Asked Questions
Who Should Attend?
Trance Camp is designed for both personal development and professional application. Many people are in the helping professions; others are primarily there for personal development. The work assumes that to help others connect with their creative imagination, you must first be able to do it within yourself. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Thus, Trance Camp is a highly experiential workshop where deep personal transformation is possible—many people have shared that Trance Camp changed their lives. It also helps you deepen your capacity to help others to also have “trance-formative” experiences. Thus, each day includes presentations by Dr. Gilligan, as well as group trances, demonstrations, practice exercises, and group discussion and sharing. You will learn by listening, watching, going inside and experiencing, practicing with partners, and integrating with the group.
One of the best parts of Trance Camp is how multi-cultural it is. We have people attending from cultures around the world, making it an exceptional learning community. For example, the approximately 50 people from last year’s TC were from over 20 countries! Among at least half the people, English is not their “mother tongue;” but no worries, we speak the human language of creative connection, and encourage people to blend different languages in the trance work with others. (Most people report this is one of the best parts of the work!) So your English doesn’t have to be perfect…just come prepared for human connection.

Where is Trance Camp Held?
All the workshops will be held at the historic Rancho Bernardo Inn in Rancho Bernardo, CA. It is located about 30 minutes northeast of downtown San Diego, and is a beautiful and small family-owned resort with swimming pools, tennis courts, golf course, spa, and other recreational activities.
The meeting room is superb, the sleeping rooms are recently refurbished and exceptional, and the grounds are amazing. It is an ideal location for an intimate event such as Trance Camp. The hotel is beautiful with several pools and walking paths. It is quite a restful and serene place.
Hotel amenities include: complimentary parking, in-room coffee and tea, unlimited local, toll-free, and credit card phone calls, unlimited in-room high-speed internet, USA Today delivered to your door, 24-hour access to the fitness area, and access to the pool.
The daily schedule is quite full — with sessions going from 9AM to approximately 6PM each day. There is a two hour break for lunch, plus several coffee breaks. Some coffee and snacks are provided throughout each day, but participants are expected to purchase their own meals. There is a restaurant and a snack shop in the hotel, and numerous cheaper restaurants and food stores in the area.
2025 Trance Camp attendees will receive a special reduced group rate at The Rancho Bernardo Inn. Please use the link below to reserve your room and receive the discounted rate of $244 per night. The hotel rate is extended up to 3 days prior-to and e days after the end of trance camp.

What About CIMA / IACG Generative Trance Certification?
The first two weeks of Trance Camp (TC1 and TC2) can be taken as a certification course in Generative Trance. This certification is given by both CIMA (Community for Integral Mind and Action) and the IAGC (International Association for Generative Change). On successful completion you will gain a certification as a ‘Certified Professional Coach in Generative Trance.'
The third week of Trance Camp (TC3) now offers Advanced Certification in Generative Trance. Upon successful completion you will gain 'Advanced Certification as a Professional Coach in Generative Trance.'